Rafer Joseph

Rafer has 29 years of operational experience, with his last 4 years as the Incident Command lead for his Service. Responsible for the acquisition, training, and assessment across all levels of Incident Command.  He was also the Fire lead for Thames Valley Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programme JESIP training, delivering a three-year programme collaboratively with partner agencies.

Rafer sat on the South East Operational Response & Resilience Group (SEORRG) Incident Command Trainers Sub-Group influencing best practice on all aspects of Operational Incident Command including simulation software, assessment of risk, procurement of command vehicles, training, behavioural marking systems and mentoring. 

In his ICS lead role, he worked closely with senior leadership teams and Local Resilience Forum (LRF) to assist with the management and planning of major events in his region such as music festivals, major sporting events, state visits and Royal occasions.  This included designing mock scenarios and organising associated training events.

Operating as a Fire investigation Officer and Water Incident Manager, Rafer has gained a wide range of skills that compliment his Incident Command specialism.  He also mentors and coaches within the Fire Service community, focusing on increasing the performance of individuals and teams, where he uses his international sports coach qualifications and experience to assist and motivate.


Tim Nicholls


Paul Wilkinson