Malcolm Farrow

As a former tactical level Fire Service commander with over 30 years operational experience, Malcolm has spent the last 12 years working in training and development of firefighters, fire officers including the Chief Fire Officer. Malcolm’s qualifications are BA(hons), CertEd.

A qualified instructor with extensive experience in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of Incident Command development, maintenance and assessment for the Service as well as assisting other Departments regarding Command policy and standards.  Management of the Incident Command Suite and the simulation software within including Hydra, Minerva, Vector, Train-Station, Fire Studio, etc.

Design of Crisis Management exercises from HR issues to major events which impact the organisation, management, employees and business continuity.  The design and creation of exercises from simple scene/risk assessments to large multi-site Major Incidents.  Designing training and exercises for other Service Departments such as Fire Safety and Urban Search and Rescue.

Projects initiated include the introduction of Command Decision Logs and training, Gold Command packs and assisting with the Strategic Response Arrangements and individual Operational Command Assessments. Training delivery of national programmes such as MTFA and JESIP.


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Kevin Haywood