Kevin Haywood

In September 2019 Kevin retired as a Level 3 Tactical Commander after completing 30 years of service within the Fire & Rescue Service. He began his career in East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, in 2010 he joined County Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service.  In 2012 Kevin joined Essex County Fire & Rescue Service.

Throughout his career he has been involved in training personnel across organisations, designing and developing training courses for Fire Service colleagues and private companies. Kevin’s mantra is ‘…training is the one most important thing any organisation must do; it forms the basis of every standard in any organisation…’

As a qualified Command Training instructor and Assessor providing training and assessment for Fire Service Commanders from Level 1/Initial Incident Commander Level up to and including Level 4/Strategic Incident Command Level, Kevin is one of very few UK FRS personnel to have completed the United States’ ICS 400 Incident Command Course with TEEX, Texas A&M University.

Kevin’s career has a breadth of operational activity and experience; Level 3/Advanced Incident Commander, Swift Water Officer, Water Incident Manager, Hazardous Materials and Environmental Protection Officer, Radiation Protection Adviser, Lead Detection, Identification and Monitoring Team Officer for East of England Area, Lead Trainer and Team Leader for Fire Service Marauding Terrorist Attack Response.

Kevin also has very comprehensive experience of designing and developing training courses for First Aid, Trauma, Casualty Care and MTA Trauma.


Malcolm Farrow


Dave Fraser-Jones