Spring Is In The Air
Spring is in the air which means clocks will soon go forward and that resonates with Katherine Lamb and the K Lamb Associates as we spring forward with renewed vigour ready for the exciting challenges ahead. The green shoots of new client relationships are being cultivated, no longer confined to FRSs in England but now truly UK wide.
One of our delivery teams spent the whole week at the excellent training facilities of County Durham and Darlington Fire Service (CDDFRS). Here we delivered 2 classes, first was a SFJ Awards, Level 3 Award in Initial Incident Command in the Fire Service followed by 2 days assessing a SFJ Incident Command Level 4 (On Scene) Revalidation for their Strategic Leadership Team. All delegates demonstrated exacting standards proving to be a credit to their organisation. We thank CDDFRS for the warm welcome and engaging contributions.
This feedback just received from a previous delegate;
“An excellent course, excellently delivered by experienced and knowledgeable trainers - would recommend KLA to all.” Zach Villers – Warwickshire FRS - SFJ Awards, Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command in the Fire Service.
Elsewhere support was provided to Greater Manchester and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service as their Incident Command delivery teams, using Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework following our local delivery model, assessed to SFJ Awards, Level 3 Award in Initial Incident Command in the Fire Service. Well done to the successful delegates on these courses.
Katherine Lamb attended North Wales Fire Service to deliver their initial Effective Command Assessor Training. An exciting relationship in its infancy but one we welcome as the client base increases once more.