Invaluable Feedback
“Very positive course, delivered by credible and supportive instructor team”. Ben Illsley Area Manager NYFRS
K Lamb associates, suitably refreshed, are back eating up the miles attending to clients needs. A full schedule of courses ahead it’s an exciting time for Katherine Lamb. We began the week with a regular TEAMS meeting with Katherine leading the conversation updating team leads on new developments including some interesting new client leads in the pipe this space.
The Strategic Delivery Team have already received excellent delegate feedback following their facilitation of the SFJ Awards, Level 7 Award in Strategic Incident Command in the Fire Service hosted by Greater Manchester Fire Service (GMFRS) with delegates also from Warwickshire Fire Service and North Yorkshire Fire Service. A fascinating 2 days, the delegates clearly put a lot of effort into preparing for this award. Stimulating discussion points generated through the content of the topics within the professional discussions.
Delegate Feedback
“The course was delivered by excellent, knowledgeable, and credible trainers that made the two days really enjoyable. My thanks goes to them, the other candidates and KLA for such a beneficial and invaluable experience”.
Scott Moultrie Area Manager WFRS.
“The course was extremely positive. The trainers were knowledgeable and supportive throughout. They assisted throughout and approached the course and the delegates extremely professionally”. Damian Henderson Area Manager NYFRS