Contract Success
Katherine Lamb is pleased to announce that K Lamb Associates (KLA) have been asked by Tyne & Wear Fire (T&WFRS) to extend the current 3-year contract to provide their Incident command Training for a further year. T&WFRS remain a massive advocate of KLA’s expertise, reliability, and professionalism. Since April 2020 they have been a prolific user of the Effective Command (EC) Behavioural Marking Framework, and they continue to reap the benefits of the data associated with their Incident Commanders.
Oxfordshire Fire chose KLA to deliver their latest SFJ (Skills for Justice) SFJ Awards, Level 4 Award (ICL2) in Intermediate Incident Command course. Also joined by delegates from Cumbria Fire, and Northamptonshire Fire, the course was a tremendous success. Feedback received after the course;
“Scenarios were challenging and provided lots of opportunity to learn through participation and observation. Training delivery was excellent, trainers provided firsthand experiences to provide realism to discussions. Feedback was constructive and clear with good end of course feedback with clear next steps to continue to build as a L2 IC.” Peter Howell Oxfordshire FRS.
Two KLA delivery teams facilitated SFJ-EC-Incident Command Level 2, 3 & 4 (Tactical) Revalidation Assessments in North Yorkshire Fire (NYFRS), and Nottinghamshire Fire (NFRS). 2-days of assessment in NYFRS, the delegates were exposed to challenging and realistic scenarios executed skilfully by KLA trainers. 2 more incident commanders at Strategic level in NFRS faced demanding scenarios in their revalidation assessments. An experienced KLA delivery team ensured that each delegate received high level support with NFRS own Command Support Team and functional officers.
Overseas, KLA’s work continues with the Bermudan Fire Service as they continue to progress their policy project. Steve Harris spent another week in country working closely with the Strategic Leadership Team where great progress is being made.
KLA currently work with 30+ UK Fire Services delivering the full suite of SFJ Awards qualifications, at Level 3 (Initial ICL1), Level 4 (Intermediate ICL2), Level 4 Designing and Delivering Incident Command Training, Level 6 (Advanced ICL3), and Level 7 (Strategic ICL4) in Incident Command in Fire and Rescue Services. KLA not only deliver the qualifications but offer a design, delivery, and assessment service for Incident Command Revalidation Assessments. Want to know more about us and the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework, get in touch by visiting our website for more information.