Another Contract Extension for KLA
K Lamb Associates awarded another contract Extension this time by Greater Manchester Fire
Katherine Lamb is pleased to announce that K Lamb Associates (KLA) have been instructed by GMFRS to extend our current Incident Command Training contract with them for another year. KLA are pleased and excited to continue the excellent relationship with GMFRS and see it as further recognition of the credible, authentic, and professionally delivered KLA products.
It has been yet another busy week for our delivery teams with three Command Support Unit Operator courses, one SFJ (Skills for Justice) Awards Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command, and two SFJ-Effective Command-Incident Command Level 4 (Tactical) revalidation assessments being delivered.
Both Buckinghamshire Fire and Staffordshire Fire invited our delivery teams in to deliver more CSU Operator courses. KLA’s unique course continues to gain plaudits from services across the country. We congratulate services for their investment in what is a crucial role on the incident ground.
Tyne & Wear Fire welcomed out team back again to deliver their latest SFJ Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command. Delegates were also invited from Lancashire Fire making the course truly diverse. Some excellent feedback already in;
“The trainers had excellent knowledge and utilised this to help me identify strengths and areas for development and build upon my incident command skills.” GM Scott Spencer TWFRS
A KLA team paid their second visit in as many weeks to Nottinghamshire Fire to assess 2 more Strategic Commanders at ICL4 (Tactical). An impressive organisation, they fully immersed themselves in the assessment scenarios providing not only their Command Unit and CU Team but also flexi-duty officers for the key functional roles. You cannot get a more encompassing experience with learning for so many on many distinct levels. Feedback already in;
“I really enjoyed the day, supportive facilitators, relevant questions and feedback and I have learnt some good techniques which I will be applying in future incidents. Thank you!” AM Tom Archer Notts FRS
We were incredibly pleased to be invited in by West Midlands Fire on Thursday to deliver 3 SFJ-EC-ICL4 (Tactical) Assessments. This request was to assist them in adding resilience to their Strategic Operational Rota. Thanks to ACFO Richard Stanton and the WMFRS CDC Team led by GM Kevin Eaves and SM Jason Earl. Their dedication to the day was exemplary as was the whole CDC Team.
KLA have the requisite status to deliver the full suite of SFJ Incident Command Award qualifications, along with assessments at all levels of Incident Command. Want to know more about us and the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework, get in touch by visiting our website for more information.