Tim Nicholls
Tim Nicholls joined West Midlands Fire Service in 1991 and after nearly 30 years’ service he retired in 2020. Since retiring Tim has worked as an associate for Katherine Lamb Associates.
During his time working as a fire officer for West Midlands Fire Service Tim has attended a wide and diverse range of incidents and worked with many partner agencies. He worked in the Supervisory Manager Development Department as an accredited ILM trainer, developing both firefighters and officers.
He worked for over 10 years in Incident Command training and was involved in facilitating the development and assessment of officers across all levels of command. Prior to retiring he had been the Incident Command Training Lead.
As a qualified Trainer and Assessor, he utilises an immersive and blended approach and has extensive experience in a wide variety of systems to achieve this. His experience involves in Hydra, Minerva, XVR and TDE’s, etc.
Establishing many Categories 1 and 2 multi-agency links, he has also supported in the design and creation of multi-agency exercises. Tim was involved in the JESIP and MTFA roll out and continuation training across the region.
Additionally, Tim was a trained Detection, Identification and Monitoring Advisor (DIMA) and a Hazardous Materials Advisor (HMA) supporting National Resilience assets. He was also part of MASAT deployment.