Dr Katherine Lamb

Katherine Lamb is the founder and CEO of K Lamb Associates and a respected authority on Incident Command Training and Assessment.   Katherine’s qualifications are MIFireE, MSc (Oxon), BSc (hons).

For the last 7 years, she has specialised in Incident Command and Crisis Decision Making as well as developed and established the training and assessment method, Effective Command ™.  This development tool (accredited by Skills for Fire Awards) is used to train and assess Command Competence and Decision Making and is widely used throughout the international fire service community.  This methodology has also been published in several scientific, peer-reviewed articles on the origin and application of Competence Assessment methodologies within the Fire Service environment.

In addition, with an MSc in Radiation Biology from the University of Oxford and a Cell Biology doctorate at the University of London, Katherine is an able practitioner and an expert within the hazardous materials domain.  She is proficient in the development of courses and facilitation of simulation-based training for both skill acquisition and competence assessment.


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