Ed Case
Ed is a former Station Commander & Learning and Development Manager who retired from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service in April 2021. He has varied operational and training experience from his 30-year career which included a 5-year period from 2014-2019 when he was SFRS’s Learning and Development lead for Incident Command, Technical Rescue & JESIP Training.
Additionally, he was a regional JESIP trainer and has a breadth of operational experience with specialisms that include Tactical Wildfire Management, Water & Flood Incident Management, Hazardous Materials and Environmental Protection & Radiation Protection Supervision. He was also a Detection, Identification and Monitoring Advisor and has attended several large-scale national deployments with the National Resilience’s, Enhanced Logistical Support function.
Ed is a qualified Incident Command Training Instructor, IQA, Coach and Mentor who worked alongside Staffordshire’s Civil Contingencies team to support the training, exercise design and facilitation of multi-agency training exercises. Before the COVID pandemic, he also worked with a few notable organisations in the design of training packages to develop critical incident decision making and to assess the tactical management teams of Alton Towers, Drayton Manor Park and DHL around the simulated testing and exercising of their Business Continuity Plans.