Straight off the bat!
Straight off the bat and it is a (level) six!
Feedback recently received following attendance on one of our SFJ Awards Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command in the Fire Service.
“Excellent SFJ Level 6 Command Course, delivered by passionate and experienced team. Supported and encouraged my learning and growth in Effective Command.” Devon & Somerset FRS
“This was an enjoyable and informative course, delivered in a structured but relaxed manner by people with a comprehensive knowledge of the subject.” Humberside Fire
The holiday season may be upon us, and the K Lamb Associates delivery teams have been in Devon however not with a bucket and spade in their hands, moreover they continue to work hard bringing more excellent courses. In Devon & Somerset Fire they delivered a first class SFJ Awards Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command in the Fire Service in addition to our North of England team delivering the same course this time to Humberside Fire.
Katherine Lamb was also touring the UK however it was to visit long standing clients, West Yorkshire Fire and Northamptonshire Fire to talk some more about the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework and its potential expansion into other areas of fire related disciplines, watch this space!
The whole K Lamb Associates team are here to assist, we can identify trends in the application of Incident Command, generating data via our assessments. Why not visit our website to learn more about the excellent range of Incident Command courses we deliver both Nationally and Internationally.
#IncidentCommand #EffectiveCommand #SFJ #FireService #XVR #resilience