Spring sees green shoots for K Lamb Associates Ltd
Last week saw KLA once again rising to the challenge following requests from some new and existing clients. Lincolnshire Fire agreed to enter a trial for the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Tool. Any Fire Service can request a 3-month trial of the tool during which a limited number of subscribers can access the tool familiarising themselves with the exceptional functionality. Welcome back Avon Fire (AFRS) who booked every space on a KLA delivered SFJ Awards, Level 4 Award in Design & Delivery of Incident Command Training in Fire and Rescue Services. We look forward to re-engaging with AFRS as they host the course later in the year.
SFJ Awards, Level 4 Award, Designing and Delivering Incident Command Training in Fire and Rescue Services.
A KLA delivery team was in Northern Ireland Fire for the second of two phase 2 parts of this course. The team ensured the client received only the best training in person with maximum support and engagement. The delegates put into practice the full variety of Incident Command Training applications including XVR Simulation.
“Myself and the IC team have just completed the SFJ Level 4 Award in Designing & Delivering Incident Command Training course. This was certainly challenging to both new and existing staff within the IC delivery team. This will now help in setting new standards of course delivery, professionalising the individuals as qualified incident command instructors and resultant uplift in the team's credibility as a whole.”
SFJ–Effective Command–Incident Command Level 3 & 4 (ICL3/4) Revalidation Assessments
A KLA Strategic Assessor, along with a delivery team, spent 2-days in Greater Manchester Fire delivering revalidation assessments. Using the excellent facilities at GMFRS Training Centre in Bury delegates faced challenging complex scenarios with support of GMFRS’s Command Support Vehicle and Team a Command Support Officer and key functional officers. Maximum benefit not only for the delegate but also the supporting roles as they hone their skills and build relationships with Strategic Commanders.
“Another excellent course from KLA. The ICL4 is an excellent course that challenges commanders and provides a unique opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and understanding delivered in a very professional way by a very credible team of professionals. Thanks again Peter and the Team, the feedback was excellent and will aid my personal development.” AM Lee Coleman GMFRS
SFJ-Command Support Officer Course (CSO)
Warwickshire Fire invited KLA Trainers in again to deliver their latest CSO course. A course designed to equip officers with the skills and knowledge to carry out this crucial command support role. Over the 2-day course delegates get knowledge input on the role and get to apply the learnt skills in a series of short exercises.
Katherine Lamb believes a delegate receives the absolute best experience with face-to-face interaction. KLA’s assessors and delivery teams are massively experienced, credible, and professional and they continue to deliver top quality Incident Command Training and Assessment. Has your organisation considered the benefits of KLA’s Incident Command Training/ Assessment? Why not contact us through our website to learn more or get answers for your question.