Right to the end
K Lamb Associates Ltd (KLA) end 2023 with a strong finish.
Not willing to let any of our clients down, KLA delivery teams end 2023 working right up to the wire managing to complete all remaining training course commitments for the year.
Nottinghamshire Fire welcomed one of our delivery teams who facilitated an amazing SFJ Awards, Level 4 Award – Intermediate Incident Command in Fire and Rescue services. A full course of ICL2 commanders, all from within the service, were treated to knowledge inputs given by our vastly experienced trainers and practical incident command formative and summative assessments utilising the nationally and internationally renowned Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework.
Feedback from one of the delegates;
“Great trainers, great pace and realistic training to suit the needs of the level of development.”
Another SFJ Level 4 Award - Intermediate Incident Command also took place hosted this time by Northamptonshire Fire with other delegates from Bedfordshire Fire, Cambridgeshire Fire and Hampshire & IOW Fire. A massive opportunity for learning being mixed with ICL2 commanders from other services.
Feedback from one of the delegates;
“The training team were outstanding in their delivery of course input, setting up and delivering scenarios and providing relevant and constructive feedback. The entire week was extremely informative and an invaluable experience.”
In Humberside Fire a KLA delivery team facilitated a SFJ Awards, Level 3 Award - Initial Incident Command in Fire and Rescue Services. Utilising XVR Simulation the delegate received a first-class experience drawing on the vast experience of the KLA Associate trainers.
Oxfordshire Fire (OFRS) asked KLA to design and deliver an appropriately complex and challenging scenario for use as a Strategic Coordinating Group (SCG) meeting which was one part of a SFJ Awards, Level 7 Award - Strategic Incident Command in Fire and Rescue Services. We rose to the challenge not only designing an excellent scenario but also sending a team of experienced KLA Associate trainers and a strategic assessor to facilitate the day. Oxfordshire FRS sent 2 delegates to the event, one of which required an assessment as SCG Chair to complete the final part of the award. Additional support was provided by 2 senior OFRS members to ensure the SCG was credible, authentic, and realistic. Well done to both delegates who engaged fully with the SCG meeting and scenario.
The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences once again welcomed 2 of our team back to their wonderful academy where this time, as requested, we delivered 2-days of Strategic Level input to The Rescue Board’s Incident Command Level 3 and 4 Officers. Truly multi-agency the event was also attended by members of the Estonian Police and Level 4 Commanders from the Ambulance Service.
Are you thinking about how to deliver on your services incident command training plan for 2024? Consider this, at KLA we come into your service, include use of your assets and home-grown skills in the delivery where practicable e.g., Command Units, Command Support Teams, Command Support Officers etc. Want to know more about the benefits of in-house training, contact the KLA team for more information.