Rain hasn’t stopped play…..
Rain hasn’t stopped play....
The K Lamb Associates delivery teams have had another busy week traversing the country delivering quality training and assessments in 4 Fire and Rescue Services.
A SFJ Awards, Level 4 Award in Intermediate Incident Command in Fire and Rescue Services delivered successfully in North Yorkshire Fire. Feedback received following the course;
“Malcolm and his team were outstanding and a credit to KLA. From a very tense and nervous first day it was their skill and approach that allowed me the confidence to push forward.” Darren Smith
A SFJ Awards, Level 5 Award in Design & Delivering Incident Command Training was started in Kent Fire. This course is delivered over 2 stages, candidates have already shown a great aptitude for learning. Feedback received following the course;
“Really enjoyed the 3 days, I have been creating exercises for a few years, but realise now that I have not been doing this in a logical and methodical manner.” Thomas Harvey
A SFJ Awards, Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command in Fire and Rescue Services delivered successfully also in Kent Fire and Rescue Service. Feedback received following the course;
“First class delivery from the KL team on this Advanced Incident Command course, constructive feedback enabled command skills to be honed and demonstrated through the assessment day comprising of four complex incident scenarios, for aspiring L3 Commanders I would recommend this course wholeheartedly.” Christian Redmond
Tyne and Wear Fire welcomed one of our teams to deliver the SFJ Command Support Officer (CCS) Course. Feedback received following the course;
‘’I feel I now have more knowledge and understanding of Command Support Officer role, duties, challenges, and expectations. Good input on JESIP and handover / briefing tools and formulation. This is essential training and input for my current role.” Lee Bell
We also facilitated a SFJ Effective Command Incident Command Level 2 Assessment in NYFRS. Using the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework delegates were able to receive invaluable feedback on their behaviours dealing with challenging scenarios.
If you are visiting the Emergency Services Show why not make a point of dropping by our stand, K Lamb Associates Ltd, will be happy to talk you through our values, and achievements in the Fire Sector so far. We could also explain more about the wide range of products we can deliver in your organisation.
#IncidentCommand #EffectiveCommand #SFJ #FireService #XVR #resilience #JESIP