Domestic Client Base Increasing

It is important to begin this post by joining LinkedIn colleagues in sending our love and thoughts to the many communities affected by the recent Turkey-Syria Earthquake. We are also immensely proud of the heroic rescue efforts being made by the Specialist UK and International Fire Operatives, some parent organisations of which we have had the privilege of working with.  

On the domestic front we continue to cultivate professional working relationships with our existing client base whilst being excited to welcome some more new clients. K Lamb Associates delivery teams could be found engaging with delegates from 9 Fire Rescue Services around the country directly and indirectly supporting more training and assessment, in most cases using the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Tool to significant effect. 

Public Quote;  

The event was well organised, professionally led with relevant material, and met all expectations.” (ICL4 Revalidation) 

Our teams enjoyed many productive hours working with delegates from South Yorkshire FRS as they demonstrated their skills at the SFJ Awards - Effective Command - ICL3 Health Check. Elsewhere teams worked with Tyne & Wear FRS who hosted a SFJ Level 4 Award - Intermediate Incident Command in Fire & Rescue Services (610/0185/S) with delegates also attending from North Yorkshire FRS. Humberside FRS welcomed one of our new course directors to facilitate our bespoke product offering a SFJ Level 3 Award (2-day XVR Simulation Only). Finally, we provided remote support to Greater Manchester FRS whilst they delivered (locally) a SFJ Level 3 Award - Initial Incident Command in Fire & Rescue Services (610/0183/1).  

Public Quote; 

“Very knowledgeable and experienced course presenter. Someone who has much experience as an Incident Commander and was able to share his knowledge and experience with the student.” 

(SFJ L3 2-day SIM Only) 

One of our Strategic Assessors rounded off the week working with Leicester FRS delivering one of our Strategic Workshops to their leadership team. This was very well received with some fascinating engagement from attendees.   

Katherine Lamb has put her valuable time to effective use personally visiting Leicester FRS and Royal Berkshire FRS, 2 new clients, who have engaged us not only to explain the virtues of the unique Effective Command Behavioural Marking Tool but also deliver training in its use. 


February! How did that happen!!


Emergency Services Show 2023