Breaking Bermuda
Katherine Lamb and a small team from K Lamb Associates Ltd (KLA) have made their way to this beautiful archipelago at the request of the Bermuda Fire Rescue Service. What we hope will be the start of a long-standing professional relationship, the team have been asked to deliver the first SFJ Awards, Level 3 Award in Initial Incident Command in the Fire Service. Dr Katherine Lamb said, “utilising the excellent XVR software, it is truly an honour to be invited to deliver this course at an exciting time for the islands as they look to expand their knowledge of incident command.”
The itinerary also includes a formal meet and greet with some of the Island’s dignitaries followed by some interviews with the local media outlets! It is fascinating to exchange Incident Command ideas from across the globe and it can only further enhance the experience of all our clients home and abroad. We are privileged to be one of the only Incident Command training providers in the UK who can draw on such a rich tapestry of experience in this field.
Meanwhile KLA delivery teams continue to forge ahead on the domestic front last week supporting Greater Manchester Fire (GMFRS), North Yorkshire Fire (NYFRS), Nottinghamshire Fire (NFRS), Warwickshire Fire (WFRS) and Bedfordshire Fire (BFRS).
SFJ Awards delivered include a Level 6 Award in Advanced Incident Command in the Fire Service with BFRS, and remote support provided for Level 3 Award courses in SYFRS and GMFRS. Also, we delivered another of our Command Support Unit Operative courses with GMFRS which was very well received. In Notts we returned to facilitate another full day of SFJ – Effective Command – ICL3 Revalidations. Using the Effective Command Behavioural Marking Framework all the delegates gave a good account of themselves receiving the most constructive and supportive feedback from the experienced assessors.
Could your organisation benefit from working with our vastly experienced credible delivery teams. We can also assist by identifying trends in the application of Incident Command, generating data via your assessments. Why not visit our website to learn more about the excellent range of Incident Command courses we deliver both Nationally and Internationally. There is a contact page if you want to discuss your training and assessment needs with one of the team.